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ibaManagementStudio - MS2023-05

ibaManagementStudio new version v1.4.0

What’s new in this version?

New Features

It is possible to select/deselect the visible columns for a certain grid, as well as to change the column widths in several grids (e.g., system overview, software overview). The changes are persisted in the browser data.

The values for the columns ‘Intermediate storage’, ‘Size limit’ and ‘Time limit’ for ibaHD-Server stores are visualized with fill bars.


The system description column is added to the overview grid.

Users who add systems/folders to the server configuration get edit/view permissions for these systems/folders by default.

The environment/language specific CSV separator is used when generating the license summary CSV.

The upload times to the file repository have been improved.


Server: The date and time of the last connection were not always shown in the offline bar.

Web client: Product pages were refreshed unnecessarily.

Agent: Further performance optimizations when querying hardware information are implemented.

For full reference on other included new features, improvements and bugfixes please download this new version and check the included version history document.

Registered users can download this new version in our download area.

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