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Publish data from Brown Field Plants flexibly into MindSphere

With the new ibaPDA MindSphere interface, data can be published flexibly and easily into the Siemens MindSphere - even from Brown Field plants and machines.

This includes time-critical data as well as user-specific quality data calculated in ibaPDA for product and process documentation. The MindConnect Library (MCL) forms the basis for the connection to MindSphere.

The iba system offers comprehensive process connectivity for data acquisition and can be linked to almost any common automation system via fieldbus connections, Ethernet protocols and system interfaces - regardless of manufacturer and device generation.

This allows data from existing systems using conventional PLCs to be published directly into MindSphere.

Measuring value acquisition - ibaPDA

Come parte centrale del sistema iba, ibaPDA si dimostra da anni uno dei sistemi di acquisizione dati più versatili per la manutenzione e la produzione. Architettura client-server, registrazione flessibile, semplice configurazione grazie all’auto-rilevazione sono solo alcuni dei pregi di questo sistema.

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